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Graduation Requirements

The requirements to obtain the degree of Master of Science in Engineering mention Industrial Engineering are detailed below:

  • Having approved the Study Plan with a final average of the Program's qualifications equal to or greater than 5.0.
  • Demonstrate the presentation of at least one article related to the thesis topic in a national or international scientific meeting.
  • Demonstrate the submission of at least one article related to the thesis projects in an indexed journal of Web of Science (WOS), whose status must be at least under review.
  • Accreditation of at least B2 English level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, or an equivalent.*
  • Thesis project approved.
  • Final exam approved.

* In order to fulfill this requirement, the Program, through the Department of Postgraduate Studies, disposes of English Courses available to students as Intergral Training for Graduate Programs , in which it is established that each approved course allows the accreditation of a particular English level, being formally acknowledged as a co-programmatic course within the study plan.